Our philosophy

Inspired by nature, the products in the MÜ range are handcrafted from premium natural ingredients, carefully selected by the founder Marie-Claude Raynault, who, along with a certified chemist, has developed a high-performance skincare line that is safe for humans, animals and our planet.

Our MÜ products offer all the benefits of nature, at your fingertips. We try to turn to ingredients from Quebec's terroir, to work with the best to offer you the best by choosing eco-certified ingredients. Spa scent and minimalist ambiance were the primary themes of the initial creations, silky touch and effectiveness were also at the heart of the development of the line to offer you a daily ritual and luxurious and intoxicating skincare.

Create a perfect spa experience at home!

Marie-Claude Raynault

MÜ Founder

They talked about us

  • La Presse, Juillet 2021

    GYM facial

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  • Clin d'oeil, Juillet - Août 2020

    Un esprit sain dans un corps sain

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Our press

  • Clin d'oeil, Septembre 2022

    Comprendre le rythme de sa peau

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  • Clin d'oeil, Juillet - Août 2022

    Au secours de la Kératose pilaire

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  • Clin d'oeil, Juin 2022

    L'autobronzant démystifié

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